ICE (1992-) ----------- NOR> Purple Haze (swap, 93). ICE was formed by the four Norwegian ex-LSD members Howard, Nash, Archie and Alien. These four would later move on to join Legend, which probably meant the end of the group. Original founders Howard (music), Nash (music), Archie (code) and Alien (code, all ex LSD) joined Legend. Songbook #9 (1992, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Judge, Bulldog. info: Dosloaded, 5 tunes. Ignominy -------- SWE> Eagleman and Zahdok (sysops 'SERIAL ACCESS', 01/95). Illusion (ILS, 1993-1993) ------------------------- SWE> Hammer (org code, later Razor 1911, 11/93), Lawnmowerman (sysop 'G-FORCE' WHQ, 11/93), Lionheart (swap, ex Circle), Nassjo (vectormaker, old handle Oden), Odeon (org code, 11/93), Paladin (code), PGL (gfx swap, ex Noxious, 11/93), (music, ex Circle, later Razor 1911, 11/93), Sate (ascii trade), Schizo (Olle Jonsson, founder swap, ex Alcatraz, new RAW6), Sine (gfx 3D, 11/93), Some1 (music, ex Circle, later Razor 1911, 11/93). Boards; BUNKER 808 (swe), POINT ZERO (swe). Illusion was a shortlived all-swedish group formed by Colorbird and Schitzo from Alcatraz in the middle of 1993. The group died towards the late part of the year after the release of the promising "Waterproof". Colorbird decided to reform the group Razor 1911, and after a while most of the members of Illusion also wound up in that group. There are/were at least three different groups called Illusion. Propaganda #2 (1993, Diskmag). info: AGA needs to be disabled on A1200's. · Waterproof (1993, .11, ECS Trackmo). code: Colorbird, Hammer, Odeon, gfx: Sine, PGL, music: "Coffeine_Dream.." and "Chipjazz_Ver2" by Some1 & Prime (4ch MOD format). review: Not bad this demo from the mostly later new Razor 1911 members. The (techno) music's suitably groovy, some effects are cool, and the graphics are functional... It leaves you with a general feeling of being slightly above average. On the A1200, it recognizes the faster processor, but claims I'm running with an ECS chipset :) Anyway, all effects are stonkingly fast on the 030. Compatibility rules... · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Illusion (ILS) -------------- ???> The Angel (ex Legend). There are/were at least three (!) different Illusion's. Pepe and Moody joined TRSI. Jet joined Grace. Illusion (ILS) -------------- GER> Aweson (Marc Balzig, mainorg swap, 08/95), Ben.E (gfx), Dragonfly (code), Odin (Benc Orpak, gfx, 11/96), P.O.W.L. (music, ex Bonzai Brothers, new late95), Punk (ascii swap trade), Ramirez (org sysopWHQ), Splash (edit swap), Stone (trade, ex Matrix and Riot), Titus (gfx). POL> Darek (edit 'Silesia'), Ismal (code, 08/95), Niuniek (code, 11/96), QBA (Jakub Pienkowski, swap), Rych (gfx, 08/95), Rygar (gfx, 08/95), Sodom (code), Spiryt (music), Stan (swap, 08/95), The King (swap pack 'Use Your Illusion', late95), Trastor (swap), Verox (org code), Wayne (gfx), Wild (code, 08/95), Yasiu (org sysop). ???> Axel-D (08/95), Gonzo (ex Bonzai Brothers, new late95), Maxx (ex Bonzai Brothers, new late95), Meeku (code), Mr.C (music), Mystic (08/95). Boards; ENDLESS PAIN (ger), EVIL MOON (ger). Illusion was a German/Polish demo group. Most of the member information above is from a memberlist in Haujobb's "Friendchip #1" [12/96] diskmag. There are/were three different groups called Illusion. 1996 - Haujobb's "Friendchip #1" [12/96] reported that Lenny Dee joined Artwork, but only a few days later decided to leave the scene. 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that germans Evrimsson (music, 11/96) and Grace (code, 11/96) both left to join Crux Design, that germans Acryl (gfx, triplememb Acme and Session, 12/96), Cyclone (gfx, 07/96) and Jazz (music) left, and that polish MTC (music, 08/95) joined Erotic Design. Cyclone joined Abyss 10/96. He did graphics for the Haujobb demo "Burning Chrome" [07/96] while still in Illusion. Unsorted Ideas (1994, 13.11, Demo). 8th in the Gelloween 94 demo competition. Stratosfear (1995, Slideshow). information: In their intro "Ace" [08/95] they warn against using both mousebuttons in this slide... · Ace (1995, 30.08, 64k Intro). code: Imsal, gfx: Rych, music: MTC. Released for the Intel Outside 95 64k intro competition. review: This opens good, with promising design and some lines flying at us...then they have to spoil it all by holding onto the effect WAY too long :( The rest of the few effects are quickly over once it gets going, and you're left with a feeling of 'is that all?' Different pacing could perhaps have given this a lot. The 80 face mirrored vector object and the man's outline walking across the logo are still moments of niceness though. The music is good, and Rych's "Ace" logo is not bad either. Conclusion: shows a lot of potential, but will need a little time to bring it to the surface. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Walhalla (1996, 03.11, AGA HD File Slideshow). code: Grace, gfx: Odin, music: Evrimsson. Released at Saturne IV. review: Walhalla bears every mark of a production released too early. The code contains bugs (fucked up Walhalla logo), and there are other mistakes (one of the thumbnails does not correspond with the actual picture). Speaking about the pictures themselves, I must say that Odin was perhaps not ready to helm his first slideshow. My advice would have been to wait a few months, and make a few more pictures, then release your BEST work on ONE disk. As it stands, there are three rather ok pictures here, and the rest is not really up to an acceptable standard. Odin needs to work a little more with his technique and his anatomy studies. Some of your women look a little strange :) Still, there are some glimpses of what might become something... Keep practising. Evrimsson's module is not bad, and the code is almost nonexistant. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Kup pEntiuma (1996, 10.11, 4k Intro). code: Niuniek, gfx: none, music: Szaza. 4th in the Gravity 96 4k intro competition. review: Short, and basically made for fun, this little 4k'er doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't. There's some gameboy graphics, a small fire effect with the three letters ILS, and that's it. The title is in Polish, and means 'Buy a Pentium'! Though the intro credits a musician, no music ever appeared on my machine! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Virtual Illusion (1996, 10.11, 4k Intro). code: Niuniek, gfx: none, music: none. 3rd in the Gravity 96 4k intro competition. review: Considerably more serious than Niuniek's other entry in the 4k competition, "Virtual Illusion" is actually pretty decent. There's even phong objects in there, along with some fairly decent design. I like it, but it's not going to change the world. What more's there to say? · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Image (IMG, 1990-) ------------------ FIN> Der HM (gfx swap, ex Gate, later Complex, new 06/90), Jarnis (sysop 'NIGHT SHIFT', old handle Stranger, 07/91-02/92), Cool J (code, ex Unique), Neuron (sysop 'NO MAN'S LAND', 07/91-02/92), Tap (trade, ex Exodus, 03/93). ???> Beeki (code, 02/92), Blacktiger, Frog (ex Darkside), Starlight (import). Boards; PIRATE'S COVE WHQ (fin, 06-07/90). Image was a mostly Finnish demo and cracking group formed by the groups Exodus and Unique together with members of Complex and Gate at the end of june 1990. They at one time had the only pirate board in Finland (PIRATE'S COVE). They were also a little active on the consoles. 1990 - They lost some of their most talented members around 07/90, when finns Sulky Fellow (code), Drifter (gfx), Delorean (music), Unknown Artist (gfx) and Ripper left to form a new group called Vertigo. They were joined by Apache late in the year, around november. Finnish musician Captain joined Frantic. He won the music competition at the Gathering'91 party in Finland while still in Image. Dangermouse, sysop, joined Supplex. A news item in Sledge Hammer #11 named the group Imagine instead of Image, perhaps causing some confusion. I\m pretty sure this is the group. Image Dreams (ID) ----------------- Dim Screams (1997, 05.07, 64k Intro). Released for the Kindergarden 97 64k intro competition. Imagine (1990-). ---------------- SWE> Amigaspirit (sysop 'ACE OF SPADES'), Rag (sysop 'CYBERTOWN' reopened 12/94, 12/94-01/95), Zero (sysop 'ELITE 7'). Imagine was formed at the Magnetic Fields Copy Party, 27.10 1990, according to Cracker Journal #23. Impact ------ SWE> Goozer. BEL> Cruel. CAN> Glacier (sysop 'ICE FLOW NORTH'). ???> C-Quence (music, 12/93), Q-bitus (swap trade, new mid93), JMS (gfx, new mid93), Sensei (swap, new mid 93), Xan (swap trade, new mid93). Sense joined Savage. Quence joined Iris. Stranger and Cockroach (code swap, new mid 93) joined Analog. Virtual Harmony (1994 or pre, Music). Impact DK (-1994) ----------------- DEN> Chronic (music), Fazion (Jon Frydensbjerg, code, later Puzzle, 12/94), Flow (gfx, 12/93-12/94), Guevara (gfx, 12/94), Izi (raytrace, 12/94), J.S.L (Jeppe Schmidt, code, 12/94), Manchild (code, 12/94), Quayle (music, 12/94), The Black Lord (sysop, 12/94), The Mogwai (gfx, 12/94), The Priest (Uffe Hansen, code, 12/94), Unison (Nicklas Schmidt, music, earlier Rebels, 12/93-12/94), Zip (code, 12/94). Impact DK existed for years, steadily producing excellent demos, but never quite breaking through. ROM #9 reported that they had now officially left the Amiga for the PC scene. Danish coder Nigel left to form Amaze Design late 97 with Misery/Insane. Futuristic Mind (1993, 28.12, AGA File). code: The Priest, Jsl, Fazion, gfx: Guevara, Izi, music: Quayle. 18th in The Party 93 demo competition. · In a World of ASCII (1994, 27.12, ECS File). code: The Priest, Fazion, Zip, gfx: Morph/independent (ascii), Flow (font), music: "Ugle-Amok-Party" and "64er-Ugle-End" by Unison (Tracker Packer 3.1 format). 13th in The Party 4 demo competition. review: Cool! If you're a fan of scene ascii art, this demo is certainly one you'd want to download. Some traditional effects have been re-done here, in an AmigaDOS window and with ascii chars... Or perhaps not. I can't help but shake the feel that the DOS part is just as fake as the one in Andromeda's "D.O.S" (04/92). You can't backdrop or resize the window in any way, hmm... Well, what can I say? Morph's a fine ascii artist, the coding is clever, and the music is rather cool...DOWNLOAD! · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. -- Note: Not enough mem! A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Vi Har Spist Chocoladen (1995, late, 4k Intro). code: n/a, gfx: none, music: none. review: Impact has squeezed a lot out of their 4k with this one! It opens with an IMPACT pattern that moves :), then goes on to some interference. Next is a nice routine, in which a line vector 'cube' mutates quite heavily as it crashes into the walls of the 4 walls it's confined to. Next up is postage stamp-size, SLOW fractal zoomer and then a fake ending leads up to the final effect - three different keftales animations on a single screen and the text 'IMPACT DK - VI HAR SPIST CHOCOLADEN' (hence the name!). I have no idea where this was entered in a competition :) · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Tag (1996, 06.07, Demo). 6th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition. Impact Inc. (1987-). -------------------- Originally a C64 group that started an Amiga section in 1987, Impact Inc. will probably go down in history as the first ever group to house later legendary musician Moby from 1987 to 1989, when he left to join Apology. 2nd Demo (1988, 03.10, ECS Demo). Released at the Double Density Crew, Level4, The Supervisors Copy Party. Vectorballs (1990, .03, ECS Demo). Imperium -------- FIN> Al (trade, 03/94), Albert (trade, 03-08/94), Charger (trade, 03/94), JMF (trade, 03-08/94), Jol005X (music, 08/94), Outlaw (code, 08/94), Palex (03-08/94), ScE (trade, 03/94), T.O.B (trade, 03/94), Tormentor (trade, 03/94). ???> Hude (08/94), Thor (08/94), Top (08/94). · Intro (1994, 06.08, AGA 40k Intro). code: Outlaw, gfx: Reward/Complex (first part fonts), music: Jol005X. 16th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. review: Not bad at all! The best effect here is a smashing-looking texturemapped cube with a tiger on it and a great lightsource effect. The music's not the worst either. A middle of the tree intro. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Implosion --------- ???> Vga (music, 12/92). B'cos (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). 23rd in The Party 92 40k intro competition. Impulse (IMS, 1992-1997) ------------------------ HUN> Gato (swap, ex Steroid, new 08/96-97), Jazz (music, 96), Melomaniac (music, 03-04/93), Mr.Pixel (gfx music, 12/92-97), Thomas (gfx, doublememb Amnesty Design, 01/96). NOTMEMBSANYMORE: HUN> 3dent (code, 92-93), Charlie (code, 92-95), Chef (code, 12/92-92), Dr.Victor (music, 92-94), Kobor (code, 92-94), Matula (gfx, 93-95), Messerschmitt (swap, 93-94), Neptune (gfx, 92-93), Seal (raytrace, 92-93), Sir Damys (code, 92-94), Sir Henry (music, 93-94). NOR> Absent (music, ex Atomic, 93-94), Elmore (gfx, 93-94), Heatseeker (swap, 93-94), Highlight (swap music, 93-94), Jim (gfx, 93-94), Johnny (code, 93-94), Urchin (swap, 93-94), Vulture (gfx, 93-94). ENG> Ape (music, 93-94), Madman (trade, 93-94), Mushwacker (code, 93-94), Strobe (org sysop, 93-94). SPA> Incubus (code, 93-94), Warlord (swap, 92-94). TUR> Blaze (swap, 92-93). ITA> Wizard (code, 93-94). ???> Lado (code, 12/92-93), Readysoft (code, 12/92). Boards; SHINING CHROME (ahq). Impulse was born in october 1992 on the initiative of Mr.Pixel, on the ashes of the Hungarian Fi-Re Crew. Among the first members were also EFT and Rendall. Their first two productions were both released in december, "First Intro" (at Bash 3) and "Welcome Intro". 1993 - In 1993, new members joined in Norway, Sweden, UK, Italy, Spain and Austria. A few intros were released, but all other divisions soon became inactive, and by the end of 1994, they were all gone. Their first non-intro production was released at the Southern Party 93, the combined slideshow and musicdisk "Art & Go" [07/93]. 1994 - A year of silence followed, before Mr.Pixel, the only remaining original member, put together the Hungarian-only configuration that would be the crew until their death in 1997. The only thing to get released in 94 was the "Alive" [03/94] file demo at Cache. EFT released the game "Reunion" through Grand Slam. 1995 - They released the "Scenest Invitation" (a party for which they were coarrangers) in march, and that was all that got released this year. The party itself was held in may. They worked hard on releasing their demo "Voyage In Storm" for The Party 95, but it proved impossible. EFT released the game "Super Street Fighter II Turbo" for GameTek. 1996 - After the disappointment of not being able to release "Voyage In Storm" [01/96] at The Party, they simply released it anyway in january, out of party. The demo was a huge success, but not as big as their second demo of the year, "Muscles" [08/96]! An enclosed news file for the demo announced that Gato (swap) had joined, that Beast (gfx) had joined from Majic 12 and that Psycho (sysop) and S.L.O (raytrace) were kicked. 1997 - The group died in july after releasing their final two intros, "Kenguru v1.0" [03/97, Symposium 97] and "Kenguru v2.0" [04/97, Scenest 97]. The reasons were many, but among them were Rendall's leaving for Mystic, and Mr.Pixel, Gato, S.L.O and Norby's inactivity on the amiga. EFT (code), Beast (gfx, new 08/96), Soldier (03/97) and Lord (sysop 'NUMBER OF THE BEAST', 08/96) formed a new group called Kangooroo. Hungarian graphician Rendall left to join Mystic in 97. Rendall is not only one of the best Hungarian painters (along with Beast), but also one of the original members of Impulse, having been a member since 1992. Impulse was his first scene group. Hungarian raytracer Norby (08/96) left the scene late 96. Italian swapper Device (93-94) joined Surprise! Productions. First Intro (1992, 18.12, ECS Intro/File). code: Lado, Chef, Readysoft, gfx: Mr.Pixel, music: Magnum 755/Moonlight Studios. Released at the Bash 3 Party. Welcome Intro (1992, .12, ECS Intro). code: Sir Damys, gfx: Mr.Pixel, music: Dr.Victor. Trackmo (1993, 04.01, ECS 40k Intro). code: Sir Damys, Lado, gfx: Mr.Pixel, music: Jester/Sanity. Released for the Hammering 93 40k intro competition. Cube Intro (1993, .02, ECS Intro). code: Lado, EFT, gfx: Mr.Pixel, music: Loonstar/Design. info: Released outside of a party. Pack Intro (1993, summer, Intro). code: Charlie, gfx: Mr.Pixel, music: Sir Henry. Art & Go (1993, 25.07, Slideshow/musicdisk). code: Sir Damys, gfx: Rendall, Mr.Pixel, music: Sir Henry. Released at the Southern Party 93. Alive (1994, .03, File). code: EFT, Charlie, Pimpa, gfx: Rendall, Matula, Mr.Pixel, music: Dr.Victor. Scenest Invitation (1995, .03, Intro). code: EFT, gfx: Rendall, Mr.Pixel, SLO, music: Mr.Pixel. · Voyage In Storm (1996, early.01, AGA 2MB Multifile). code: EFT, gfx: Rendall, Thomas/Amnesty (titlepic), SLO (raytrace), music: Mr.Pixel. Released at Misc 96...? review: Surprise of the year! I came in expecting nothing, and was blown away! The demo opens with an introduction picture by Thomas. The picture is excellent, and features a bridge ascending into the skies. Then the music starts, and we get a texturemapped Impulse logo followed by three drawn logos, VOYAGE - IN - STORM. Next up is a vector cube with a ripple effect texture-mapped to each of the sides, which soon changes to rotating pictures. Next up is a cool Impulse logo, with a phonged torus in front. Then there's credits, timed to the music, before we're taken on a ride through an amazingly fast tunnel texturemapped. About halfway through, the music changes from techno to a more mellow kind of tune, and a dot-cube is added to the middle of the screen. We're then treated to another phonged object before a raytraced picture. What comes next only last for about 3 seconds, but is one of the most amazing pieces in the demo! It's a brief travel thru space, with planets and stuff... GREAT! Then, we're on to one of the best voxel routines I have ever seen! It's 1x1, smooth, with a great, blue sky. After a while, they add some raytraced chinese characters scrolling up on the left hand side of the screen (beating Andromeda's 'raytraced scroller' in "Nexus 7" (12/94) easily!), and FEMALE VOCALS TO THE MUSIC! The experience is really awesome, and I had to turn off my stereo and watch the demo a second time to be sure I had heard correctly. Then we're shown a GREAT dragon-and- sorcerer picture by Rendall, and another raytraced pic, with wine glasses and the cool Impulse logo from before. Then, finally, we reached the endpart... It's got a ripple effect very similar to the one on the cube in the beginning - only fullscreen - and an up-scroller for messages and creds. What is best about the endpart, though, is the music. It's a sort of folk-tune with a flute, and a great piece of melody. Throughout the demo, Mr.Pixel's music is always functional - and in places excellent. You'd be mad not to download this - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Now go away - I'm gonna turn down the lights and watch it JUST ONE MORE TIME... Please be advised that the review refers to the version with the fixed mainfile found in STORMFIX.LHA on AmiNet. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Muscles (1996, 31.08, AGA 4MB HD Demo). code: EFT, gfx: Rendall, Beast (fish pic), Soldier (objects), Mezon (objects), Norby (trace), music: Slyspy. Winner of the Intel Outside 3 demo competition! review: "Muscles". Oh yes, if there's anything this demo has lots of, then it's just "Muscles"! Brimming from end to end with smooth, powerful effects, fabulous graphics and a catchy techno soundtrack, this one's just SO close to perfect... The effects are imaginative, goodlooking and not least FAST! Design is another strong point, with design elements that never get in the way of the action, and near perfect blending between coding and bitmap graphics. The env and phong routines here also deserve a special mention, with LARGE objects that look absolutely gorgeous. Do I really need to go on? In an unusually strong year for demos, "Muscles" is certainly among the top 3 of the year. Beast's fullscreen picture is "Fish" (3rd at Assembly that that year), while Rendall's is "Useless To Run Bitch" (9th at Assembly that year). The demo was released simultaneously to the IO party and the AntIQ party in Hungary. The demo works on any 020+ machine, but 030-50 or faster is recommended. An enclosed text file of news announced that Gato (swap) had joined, that Beast (gfx) had joined from Majic 12 and that Psycho and S.L.O were kicked. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 and 3.1. Three (1996, 16.11, 64k Intro). code: EFT, gfx: Rendall, Soldier (objects), music: Jazz. Winner of the Convention 1996 64k intro competition! info: The info text says it's tested only on an 8mb fast machine. I guess I've confirmed that's what it needs :( · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Not enough memory. Kenguru v1.0 (1997, 30.03, 64k Intro). code: EFT, gfx: Soldier, music: Melomaniac. 2nd in the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition. Kenguru v2.0 (1997, 05.04, 64k Intro). code: EFT, gfx: Solider, music: Melomaniac. Winner of the Scenest 97 64k intro competition. Impurity -------- ???> Rage (re-Dazzle mid 91), Silk (re-Dazzle mid 91). IMP-666 ------- NOR> Lord Asssassin (Jarle Pedersen), Mean Spirit, Savage, The Wraight. ???> Grim Jack. IMP-666 is an old Norwegian group, who among other things helped arrange several parties in the old days. Infect (IFT, 1992-) ------------------- GER> Beathoven (music, 11/92-late96), Buckly (founder gfx, ex Deffpaccers [no entry], new 09/92-late96), Coach (code, late96), DJ Mellow Noise (music), Dulux (trade gfx), Eksec (Andreas Kuessner, mainorg code music sysop 'VISION THING' EHQ, ex Comedy, 05/93-05/94), Ernie (code, 09/93), Gamekiller (partyhero^clown, ex Cruelty, 09/93), Marley (Mark Leitiger, founder code, 11/92-02/94), Reval (sysop 'LUNATIC ASYLUM', ex Depth, new ROM3), Shadowmaster (sysop 'DIGITAL LINE', 94), Sher (partymemb), Smack (code, 05/94), Spiv (Stephan Schroder, founder mainorg gfx, 11/92-01/97), Turbo (René Trolldenier, code, ex Cruelty, 09/93), Zorro (Sebastian Tretbar, gfx trade pack, 09/93-94). SWE> Dondi (Daniel Andersson, gfx, 09/93), Gryzor (sysop 'OUT OF SPACE', doublememb Duplo, 01/95), Hobbes (Mats Lundqvist, music, Honorary member, 11/92-12/93), Macroman (sysop 'TRADERS PARADISE', doublememb Therapy, 01/95), MPS (music, ex Utopia, 09/93), The Big Byte (aka TBB, sysop 'TWISTED SOCIETY' EHQ, 94-01/95), Zacco (code, 09/93). HOL> Baby Face (music, ex Skid Row, new PRP4), Jase (honorary memb), Muad'Dib (sysop 'THE UNDISCOVERED', 94), Wizard (org swap pack, 09/93). MAL> Chili (gfx, late96), Dr.Who (org code), Hawk (code), Joker (gfx), LED (code), Tekno Logik (music). NOR> Twilight (music, new RAW6, 12/93). IRE> Khul (ascii edit code). ITA> Device (Gianluca Foglia, swap). ENG> Cel (swap, ex Eclipse new, old handle 8-Ball), Real (ex Eclipse new). USA> Caffeine (sysop 'PSYCHOSIS', 94). ???> Stardust (swe? gfx, 12/93), Timeless (ex Byte Busters). Infect was founded in April 1992 by Spiv and Marley. Turbo and Marley are the authors of famous music ripping tool Exotic Ripper. In addition, Turbo also made the cruncher TurboSpike. Eksec, Smack and Zorro were once in Comedy (92), but I do not know if they all joined directly. 1994 - German members Black Raven (code, 04/94) and SMT (music, 05/93-) both left to join Haujobb 08/94, citing a lack of activity from the other Infect members as a main motivation. Two months later also German sysop Jailer ('THE PRISON' WHQ, 09/93-) joined Haujobb. In an interview in Sardonyx' "SeenPoint #2" [12/95] SMT claims Infect was his first group, which is curious since I have some information that indicates he joined the group from Alpha Flight in may of 1993? Ted, sysop 'DARKNET' got kicked. The Swedish division left to form a new group, called Medicine, probably in the early part of 1994. This concerns at least Morrow (music, 12/93), Lussar'n (code, 12/93), Jammie (gfx swap, ex Diffusion, 09-12/93) and Slime (ex Diffusion, 09/93). New Swedish members eventually joined, creating a new Swedish division. Dutch musician and sysop Bart Simpson ('THE LEECH', 09/93) got kicked. Swedish coder Exidor (ex Diffusion, 09-12/93) joined Razor 1911. Saron (Marcus, ger swap, ex The Special Brothers, new late92), Blue (sysop), Gadget (ger swap), D-Icelord (hol, 09/93) and Snowball got kicked. German musician and editor RokDaZone (ex Destiny, 10/93-95) left the group and the scene early 95. However, he couldn't stay away, and some time later reentered the scene as a member of Artwork. Swedish graphician Ola Thorn (ex Case/Seance, new mid93-09/93) left. The following are no longer members: Axeblade (hol trade sysop, 09/93- 04/94), Burstmode (hol code, 04/94), Nike! (hol trader, 09/93-04/94). Dancing With Eggs (1992?, ECS 1MB Musicdisk). code: Eksec, gfx: Zorro, music: Rokdazone/Destiny. Helter Skelter 2 (1992, 26.11, ECS Musicdisk). code: Marley, gfx: Spiv, music: Hobbes, Beathoven. Released at the World of Commodore 92 in Germany. information: Combination of demo and musicdisk. Mad Man's Return (1992, late, Musicdisk). code: Marley, gfx: Spiv, music: Hobbes. ExoticRipper 1.99 Intro (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Marley, gfx: Spiv, music: Beathoven. 21st in The Party 92 40k intro competition. Earwig (1993, early, ECS Musicdisk). code: Eksec, gfx: Spiv, music: Beathoven, Hobbes, SMT. The Prison BBS Intro (1993, .02, ECS Intro). code: Marley, gfx: Spiv, Buckly, music: Beathoven, Hobbes. ExoticRipper 2.10 Intro (1993, .03?, ECS Intro). code: Mr.Spiv/Stoneware, Marly, gfx: Spiv, music: n/a. ExoticRipper 2.14 Intro (1993, early, ECS Intro). code: Marley, gfx: n/a, music: Kelly. Partybox (1993, .04, ECS File). code: Remaerd, gfx: Spiv, Titan/Agnostic Front, Don, Fade One/TRSI, music: Beathoven. Waterlow (1993, .05, Intro). code: Eksec, gfx: Spiv, music: SMT. Equation (1993, 05.08, Intro). 2nd in the ECC93 intro competition. Ordeal 40k Intro (1993, .10, ECS 40k Intro). code: Eksec, gfx: Spiv, music: Rokdazone. Released at the Ordeal Party in Leipzig, Germany. Last Terror (1993, .11, Musicfile). code: Eksec, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Promotion Demo (1993, 01.12, ECS 1MB CHIP File). code: Eksec, gfx: Spiv, Buckly, music: RokDaZone, Twilight. BBS Intro (1993, 16.12, ECS Intro). code: Exidor, gfx: Jammie, music: Morrow. Harmadegon (1993, 28.12, AGA Disk). code: Lussar'n, gfx: Stardust, Spiv, Jammie, music: Hobbes. 5th in The Party 93 demo competition. ExoticRipper 2.22 Intro (1994, .03, ECS Intro). code: Marley, gfx: n/a, music: SMT. Released at CeBIT 94. Vision Thing BBS Intro (1994, 30.05, ECS Intro). code: Smack, gfx: n/a, music: Beathoven. info: BBStro for their german board 'VISION THING'. Associate of Arts (1994, mid, ECS File). code: Khul, gfx: Spiv, Sonic/Platin, music: SMT, RokDaZone, Deejay Jones. Cooperation with Associate of Arts (AOA). Inferno ------- Polish raytracer Amiflash joined Nah-Kolor (ROM9). Infinite Perfection (IP, 1991-1992) ----------------------------------- BEL> Badaman (supply), Gordh (train), Joey Beltram (org modem), Mike (sysop 'WASTE GATE'), Mithrandhir (code gfx). ENG> Akira (supply), Executioner (sysop 'TREASURE ISLAND'), H.I.T. Moonweed (sysop 'FLYING TEAPOT'), Hybrid (sysop 'ULTIMATE DREAM'), Manx (swap trade), Starr (code crack), Xag (code train), Zygor (swap trade). FRA> Alex (supply), Flyspy (code crack), JBG (supply), LouLou (supply), Shocker (supply, ex Agile). GER> Adictor (train modem), Blackcat (crack train), Bob Duncan (sysop 'HILTON PALACE'), Disk Jockey (crack), Marc (crack), Nephilim (sysop 'HEAVENS HELL'), Shut Berlin (sysop 'WORLD TRADE CENTER' WHQ, ex Skid Row). ITA> Rave (sysop 'LETHAL ZONE'). SWE> Mercy (trade), The Master (sysop 'SLIME CITY'). USA> Gazoo (sysop 'WILD WAREZ'), H.O.S. Of Sorrow (sysop 'CREEPING DEATH'), Leviathan (trade), Rolling Stone (sysop 'DEVILS TRIANGLE'), Winter Mute (sysop 'MARTYRIUM', ex Alpha Flight). ???> Markuz (nor? crack, 92), Mint (gfx). IP was another relatively shortlived cracking/modem group, with some of that scene's best people recruited from groups like Crystal and Skid Row. The news of their birth came in RAW2 (published early 92), and the news of their death in RAW3 (published april 92). Most of the member information is from a memberlist published in RAW2. After their death, several members (like Norwegian swapper Jaffa) left to form the new Bitstoppers. Technoir was kicked. Infinity -------- ???> Bytor (ex Mystix), Elite (ex Mystix), Jim (ex Mystix), Metallic (ex Mystix). Infinity [swe] -------------- SWE> Accord (music, ex Vomit, 08/93). Infinity was formed by Deelite, Accord and Diesel from Vomit. However, at The Party 93, Deelite and Diesel joined the new Razor 1911. Incal ----- JamJam (1996, 07.04, Demo). 2nd in the Symposium 96 demo competition. JamJam (1996, 26.05, Demo). Released at Icing 96 (DRG). Incal Inc., The --------------- Zodak joined Vision (WHN1). Incubus ------- FIN> Chaos (Esko Tiainen, swap, early93). Indians ------- BEL> Tomahawk (swap, late91). Industry -------- SWE> Koma (org swap). Swedes Nivek and MRK (gfx, 93) joined Limited Edition (PRP4). Innocence (1995-) ----------------- Innocent was formed by the best members of Black Jack after that group died in late 95. "AddBox" is a production carried on from BJ. Insane (INS) ------------ SWE> Boozer (sysop 'SHADOWZONE', 08/94), Cateye (sysop 'INSIDE OUT', ex Taurus, new PRP4, 09/94-01/95), Cluster (sysop 'INSANITARY' WHQ, 08/94-10/95), Distler (sysop 'THE SLAMMER', later Hardbyte, 08/94), Louie (gfx, later TBL, 12/93-12/95), MAD (Marcus Lenngren, code, 12/93-94), Princip (sysop 'INTERCHANGE', 08/94), Yaffle (swap, ex C- Lous). FIN> Allah (sysop1 'THE CHAMELEON' EHQ, 10/95), Albert (sysop 'DEEP THOUGHT', 08-10/94), C.I.D (sysop2 'THE CHAMELEON' EHQ, 10/95), DarkElf (sysop3 'THE CHAMELEON' EHQ, triplememb TRSI and Hellfire, 10/95-02/96), Deetsay (music, doublememb Panic, 12/93-10/95), K-P (Kari-Pekka Koljonen, code, 10/95), Mici (93), Split (sysop 'A SPLIT SECOND', 93-08/94), TST (93), Zodiac (93), Zombie (trade, 03/94- 10/95). NOR> Shade (sysop 'EVERYWARE', 10/95-02/96). USA> Shadower (sysop 'DEATH ROW', 10/95). ???> Armour (code, 08/94-10/95), Bigwig (10/95), Braindead (ex Beatless, new late95), CareBear (10/95), Confidence (10/95), Coolorado (10/95), Defect (nor? doublememb Hellfire, 10/95-02/96), Famous'O'Ho (crack, doublememb Jormas, 94), FireFox (music, 12/93-10/95), Groovy Guru (10/95), HiJack (10/95), Hydra (swe? fin? Antti Häyrynen, code, 10/95- 96), Jozef (swe? music, 10/95), Kostek (10/95), Krasnal (10/95), Looby (10/95), Mad Max (10/95), Major-D (08/94), Marx (10/95), Metal (swe? code gfx modem, 12/93-10/95), Morris (gfx, 12/93), Neumann (10/95), NightShade (10/95), Notorious (music), Onyx (10/95), Savage (swe? modem, 10/95), Senile (music, 03-10/95), Sniper (swe? modem, 10/95), UnMad (10/95), Vedder (swe? music, 12/93-12/95), Vostok (10/95). Boards; CHAMELEON EHQ (fin), ASYLUM (swe), SINESTUDIO (fin). Somewhere along the line in late 94, INSANITARY took over WHQ status from INTERCHANGE. Hydra is the author of the DayDream bbs system, used to operate many a scene board! MAD coded the small utility 'ToggleAGA' (94). Lionheart joined Circle. Dnish organizer Misery left the group late 97 to form Amaze Design with Nigel/Impact Inc. Krustur (code) joined Ram Jam (ROM7). Atomic and Insane merged together 04/96. Swedish coder Blaze joined Session 04 or 05/96. His intro "Frenzy" won the Remedy 95 40k intro competition. Ofcourse, his intro "Inside" finished dead last at The Party 5 :) Swedish graphician Phase joined from the newly formed Basement, but was kicked within a week (late 95). Swedish swapper Pace (ex Yela, 09/93) joined Complex late 94. Raiden joined C-Lous (ROM3). Duffy joined Spoon (UPS10). According to PRP4, he was first kicked... Metz (sysop) joined Limited Edition (PRP4). Josef joined Chaos AD (PRP4) claims, still I have a 'Jozef' here in the memberlist at a MUCH later date. Entry NOT moved to Chaos AD! Apocalypse 2 (1993, 05.08). 7th in the ECC93 demo competition. Failure (1993, 05.08, Intro). 6th in the ECC93 intro competition. Eradication (1993, 28.12, ECS Disk). Code: Metal, Gfx: Louie, Music: Firefox, Vedder. 11th in The Party 93 demo competition. Achallamahalla (1993, 28.12, ECS File). Code: Mad, Gfx: Morris, Music: n/a. 13th in The Party 93 demo competition. Meliopolis (1994, 07.08, 40k Intro). 9th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. · Mindfuck (1994, 07.08, 40k Intro). 20th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. Review: Not bad, especially the zoomrottwistplasma thing is interesting.. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Virtual Conspiracy Intro (1995, 01.04, 40k Intro). Code: Metal, Gfx: Louie, Metal, Music: Senile. Released for the Virtual Conspiracy 95 40k intro, but unplaced. Review: Not terribly interesting, the best thing here comes at the very beginning with the burning vectors. Don't know what else to tell you... It's quite average. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. K-Rauta (1995, 11.06, Demo). 3rd in the Abduction 95 demo competition. Frenzy (1995, 08.10, AGA 40k Intro). Code: Blaze, Gfx: Louie, Music: Jozef. Winner of the Remedy 95 40k intro competition! · Frenzy 100% (1995, 22.10, AGA 40k Intro). Code: Blaze, Gfx: Louie, Music: Jozef. Review: Nicely designed but oh so short is this little winner intro. I guess they made a decision on the 'squaky tune and blocky picture' vs 'short but extremely sweet' dilemma and chose the latter. Not that I'm complaining, I'm all for sweetness! The code's nothing revolutionary, and neither are the graphics or the music. The design is what I guess makes this one any special... This is the 100% version, which is 5k larger than the original 40k competition intro. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Inside (1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro). Code: Blaze, Gfx: Louie, Music: Vedder. 33rd in The Party 5 40k intro competition. Review: Objects, objects, objects... No, seriously, "Inside" opens with some credits (as - yes, you've guesse it - shaded objects) fly towards the viewer from various parts of the screen. The background has some sort of colorcycling effect, but it doesn't look too good. Everything here seems to use some kind of smoothing, which looks perhaps a little like what Virtual Dreams used in "242", only smoother. Short is ok if it's also sweet, but this isn't, really. It's more of an aftertaste thing :) This is not terribly interesting, but didn't really deserve to end up dead last either... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Insanity [australia] -------------------- AUS> Aitken, Birdzone (ex Byterapers Inc.), Boner, Bullet, Cool Lat, Jaffa, Jorren, Leviathan, Mogwai (ex Byterapers Inc.), Syphan, The Control (ex Byterapers Inc.). There was another Insanity group, from Denmark, but the two had nothing to do with each other. Insanity [denmark] (1991-) -------------------------- DEN> Hille (Thomas Hillebrandt, music swap, ex Z.A.P/Byte Busters, 12/93- 07/96), NME (Tue B. Petersen, mainorg gfx swap, old handle N.N.), RAW (Finn Nielsen, code swap), RFC (Rune Friis Christensen, gfx swap). Insanity was formed by N.N (later NME), RAW and RFC in 1991 or 1992 (noone really remembers, Hille told me =D), and was a purely danish group. They were part of the demoscene, but never really released anything except small tools. There was another Insanity group, from Australia, but the two had nothing to do with each other. The group is now in hibernate mode, with no members still active on the scene, but with an option to perhaps return one day... Thanks to Hille for information! 1993 - At the end of december, Hille finished on a disappointing 23rd position in The Party music competition with his song "Rubber Computer". 1996 - At the South Sealand party in july, Hille finished 17th in the music competition with his module "Fede Fisk I Flasken". In-Sect ------- ???> Bionic (code, 12/95), Ledge (code, 12/95), Maxty (music, 12/95), W rax (raytrace, 12/95). · The Party 5 Intro (1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro). Code: Bionic, Gfx: Ledge (objects), Pixie/Polka Brothers (pic), Music: Maytz. 25th in The Party 5 40k intro competition. Review: After the intro sequence, with a static guraud shaded face object, we quickly move on to a voxelspace routine. This is one of the most simple ones I've seen, and not remarkable in any way. The rest of the intro features a lot of gouraud shading, and not much else. Don't these people realise that "G-Force" was the final word in gouraud? Granted, I do not think I've seen a gouraud glenz - before or after - but the fact remains that it's not all that interesting anymore... Pixie's contribution comes in the form of a small picture of a screaming face trying to break free of something, sort of pressing its face off a platform. It's one of Pixie's better pictures. The highlight comes at the end though, with a little humorous (not to mention gouraud shaded) Intel Outside logo spinning... One major drawback about this intro is the unimaginative use of color; everything's in shades of blue or shades of brown. Perhaps these guys should consider recruiting a graphician to do their design? The spelling of this group's name is not consistent through the intro; they use both In-Sect and Insect. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Instinct -------- NOR> 4-Play (sysop 'DARK DISASTER', 05/97), Chauple (code, doublememb Contraz [details], 10/97), Chris (trade, 10/97), Fenriz (code, 10/97), Enigmus Hammer (music, 10/97), Firestarter (Raymond Hedum, swap, 10-11/97), Hellrazor (code swap, ex EMS Design, 10/97), Ice (gfx, 10/97), Mental (swap, 10/97), Mr.X (Morten Bolstad, code, doublememb Giants, 10-11/97), Psycho (Erling Løken Andersen, org gfx ascii, ex Apathy, 10-11/97), Punisher (Jonas O'Brien, mainorg swap, ex EMS Design, new late97-11/97), Radiance (music, 10/97), Squid (gfx, 10/97), Subgod (code swap, 10/97), Tentacle (Klaus Arne Kuhr, gfx music, doublememb Apathy, 10-11/97), Tranceplant (music ascii, 10/97), Viper (swap, 10/97), Whooper (gfx ascii trade, 10/97). POL> Cook (swap ascii, ex Define doublememb, 11/97). N Z> Damnation (doublememb Digital Corruption). DEN> Receiver (Kresten Jensen, swap raytrace, ex Limited Edition, new late97). ENG> Carp (swap, new 10/97). ???> Duck-Hunter (ex XFactor, new late97), Lobo (ex XFactor, new late97), Wiseguy (swap sysop, new late97). Instinct was born as a Norwegian demo group, probably around the beginning of 1997. Their leader is Punisher. In addition to their diskmag "Retro" they also produced the Norwegian charts, "NorskToppen". 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that Hellrazor joined from EMS Design, that norwegian Chauple (code) doublejoined from Contraz, that norwegian Fenriz (code) doublejoined from Rape, In october, Psalt (code) and Romeo left. Danish swapper Receiver joined from Limited Edition. · Retro #1 (1997, 15.11, AGA Multifile Diskmag). code: Mr.X, Ben Wyatt (additional), gfx: Psycho, music: "Retro.Main", "Retro.Sub" and "Project_R" by Tentacle. review: First impressions are less than great, with some dodgy graphics by Psycho introducing us to the mag. The mag itself doesn't have a stunning interface either, but they also admit this in their editorial, and promise to improve for the next issue. Three pieces of music by the same author is perhaps a little much, some variation could be in order. They do seem to have used the classic "MicroKnight" font, but we will forgive them for now. The code does seem to be functional though, and the mag works fine. No cliparts, scrolling or other fancy effects, but again they promise more for the next issue. Not much to read this time either, but again... This is a mag I expect I will wait for the next issue before I really judge. Noone is really credited as editor, but Psycho seems to be the one doing the most for the mag. Almost certainly released outside a party. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Intens ------ DEN> Hellhound (sysop 'SOMEWHERE ONLINE', doublememb Superiors). Intense ------- FRA> Ben (code, late96), D'Jes (code, late96), Doc Manhattan (org code, late96), Ead (music, late96), Elfi (gfx, late96), Erk (music, late96), Fanfan (sysop, late96), Hardfire (Johan Roirand, music swap, doublememb NGC, early95-04/96), Killer (code, late96), LFO Rate (code, late96), MJ Power (gfx, late96), Polo (code, late96), Sledgehammer (swap, late96), Sylicon (mainorg swap, 94-late96), Tourist (code, early93-late96). GER> Mel (gfx, late96), Merlin (code raytrace, late96), Picco (music, late96), Scar (gfx, late96), Tomek (music, late96). FIN> Creep (swap, late96), Floppy (swap, late96), Matt (code, late96). HOL> Fiction (swap, late96), Jan (gfx, late96), Sugar Ray (swap). BEL> Orak (swap trade, late96), Stix (code swap, late96). SWE> Slurry (swap, late96). ???> DJ Maxx (music, 92-early93), Wishbone (music, 12/93). French swapper PLug joined Syndrome late96. Sky joined Hypnos early 93. French swapper Gun (Gagnerot David, 92) and musician Wishbone (12/93) is no longer members. All Spanish members joined Bronx (ROM3). This includes Cris (trade, new UPS8), Ghost Rider (swap, new UPS8), Husa (gfx, new new UPS8), Ironlord (AMOSCode, new UPS8) and Josele (gfx, new UPS8). Frenchmen Adec (Pascual Thierry, swap), Scal (code, early93) and Elf (gfx) left the scene. Sylicon is the new leader (ROM3). Belgian musician Psynomix left for Maximum Overdrive [no entry] (UPS8). Musician Haywire joined Cyanide mid 93. Golden Oldies (1992, ECS Musicdisk). Code: n/a, Gfx: n/a, Music: DJ Maxx (5 tunes). What's Up Doc (1993, 04.09, ECS 64k Intro). Code: Dr.Manhattan, Gfx: Geist, Music: EAD. Released for the Saturne Party 93 64k intro competition. Polychrome (1994 or pre, Music). Intentro (1994, mid, ECS Intro). Code: Emiel, Gfx: Fiction, Music: HM/TA. Chips #3 (1994, chippack). Chips #4 (1995, chippack). Intensity --------- ???> AH, Conspirator (crack), Diablo, Goliath, Gu_Ru (music), Hagar, Idea (code), Kool Falco, Lew, MadBoy, Satan, Sebo (supply), Snip3r, Squale, SSMP, Synthetix, Technique, Vigo (gfx). I have seen one single productions from this group, a crack intro for a Polish version of a game, so it's pretty probably that they are based in that part of the world... Interactive (IA, 1992-) ----------------------- GER> Abyss (code crack music, ex Skid Row, new mid93-12/95), Act (swap, early92), Ali (Guido Eckers, swap, ex Giants, new early93), Crow (Andreas Glaser, code, 12/95), Cusack (sysop 'CIVIL CRIME' EHQ, 12/93), Dodger, Laurin (sysop 'LAST CHANCE'), Leander (code crack, ex Skid Row, new mid93-12/95), Lunatic (re-Spreadpoint), Natural Desaster (sysop 'DIGITAL DREAMS' WHQ), Newline (gfx, ex Shining 8, new early93), Redor (Sascha Schaban, music, doublememb Imphobia [pc], 08/93), Stingray, Vamp (music), 666. FIN> Dizzy (code, 93), Wiper (swap, 93). NOR> Milkshake (Dag R. Rasch, swap, 93). FRA> Gunhead. USA> Worst Enemy (sysop 'PARADISE' WHQ, 12/93). ???> Big Daddy (music, 12/95), Bluman (sysop -inactive-, 12/95), Exorzist (ex Tremors), Ice-T (sysop 'ICEBERG'), Mariouana (gfx, 12/95), Polaris (gfx swap, ex Tremors), Skyhawk (code -inactive-, 12/95), S.O.M. (music, 08/93), Tripex (08/92), Walker (swap, ex Proline, new PRP4), Wintermute (ger?, gfx, 12/94-12/95). Boards; THRILLER WHQ (ger), GUILD OF THIEVES (ger), RAK A TAK (ger), DRUG SHOP (ger), FUTURE (ger), PALACE (ger), SILENT SCREAM (usa). Interactive is a german group, born by members of Equinox, Coma and others in early 1992. Rumours of their death in White Noise #1 [early 94] seem to exaggerated. I have three different boards all listed as being the WHQ at one time or another. Moomchild and The Trixter joined Surprise! Productions (WHN1). Norwegian swapper and trader Razorblade got kicked, so he joined up with Majic 12 mid 93. Finnish swapper Velsa (ex Addicts, new GEN6) joined Calibra. Bad Karma joined Deadline (RAW5). All Giants members joined in Germany! German swapper Ghost (early92) joined Submission 08/92. Dance Trance (ECS Musicdisk). Dance Trance 2 (1993, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks). Abstract (1995, 09.07, Demo). 6th in the Somewhere in Holland 95 demo competition. · First Love (1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro). Code: Crow, Gfx: Wintermute, Music: Abyss. 27th in The Party 5 40k intro competition. Review: This sucks. No design, no impressive effects, and the music is a serious contender for 'worst chiptune of 1995'. It all opens with some flame-text, which is the best effect in the intro. Then we're taken on to a stretching zoomrotator (oooold!), a transforming dot-object (older!), and some other equally uninteresting stuff. Avoid. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Interceptors ------------ Kinematic (preview) (1997, 14.12, Demo). 3rd in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition. Cooperation with Alien Productions, see there for details. Interface --------- FRA> Atwill (early93), Clawz (Matieu Berthaud, music, later Complex, 92- early93). ???> Acetip (92). I saw Interface mentioned somewhere as Fusion's French division! Interpol [old] (-1993) ---------------------- GER> Dark (swap pack, ex Noxious, new RAW5), Joker (sysop 'SADO CITY' EHQ, 92), Kaoz (swap pack, ex Noxious, old handle Rebel MC, new early93), TCM (sysop 'MAGICAL ZONE'). FRA> Monty (music, later Paradox, 92). ENG> Kitaro (sysop 'MILLENIA'). USA> Loverman (sysop 'CONCEPT ELITE'), NuiSance (sysop 'NIRVANA' WHQ, later Paradox new, 92), Shocker (sysop 'TWILITE ZONE'). ???> Amigo (sysop 'DESERT STORM' SAHQ), Babydock, Blackhawk (crack), Cardinal (ex Crystal, new SLH11), Cedric (gfx, ex Legend, new RAW5), E.F.A (crack, 92), Horst (music, 12/93), Jonny (music, 12/94), Maximilian (supply, 92), Mr.Looping (music, 12/94), Orion (gfx?, 92), Paragon (supply, 92), Yragel (code gfx, 92). Boards; CHAOTIC ENTITY WHQ (usa, 03/94). Interpol was an elite illegal crew. I don't know if the guys that released the intro "Tahiti" (04/96) are the same as the original Interpol. Seems a little strange, after all this time, to come back to release an intro... Since german sysops Joker and TCM were in Razor early in the year, and Razor then died, it seems probable they went straight to this group. Most members left to reform Paradox! The group died early 1993. German Siriax joined Fairlight. The board 'PURGATORY' is closed. German swapper Killraven rejoined Paradise. British Kawinski has left the scene to pursue a career as a teacher (ROM4). Maelstrom joined Ministry early93. Interpol [new] -------------- Tahiti (1996, 07.04, Demo). Split 7th in the Symposium 96 demo competition. Tahiti 3 (1997, 30.03, Demo). 9th in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition. Intoxicate ---------- ???> Christbane (ascii), Hawkins (code), Mangar (sysop PPESupporter), Neophyte (code), Phos4 (ascii sysop), Shaq (trade), Shot (ascii), Shy Guy (trade sysop), Trauma (music), Yoda (trade). Intruders (ITS) --------------- ???> Horniac (code gfx, 08/95), Pulsar (music, 08/95). First Intro (Intro). · Intrigue (1995, 30.08, 64k Intro). Code^Gfx: Horniac, Music: Pulsar. Contribution to the Intel Outside 95 64k intro competition. Review: This intro opens very nicely, with a good flame routine that spurts out INTRUDERS and PRESENTS in flames before the intro starts proper. I really wish they'd just kept the one effect, and not bothered us with all the shit that makes up the rest of this intro! Those vector cubes - shaded or not - have to be among the most blocky, buggy and ugly ones I've ever seen. There's a third routine, though, which is dots that make up tunnels and stuff. Not very interesting, I'm afraid. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Intuition --------- ENG> Mozart (gfx swap, 08/90). Intuition is dead; almost all Finnish members joined Amaze. Finnish musician Ukulele joined Amaze. Braindamage joined Coma. Invaders -------- Iron joined Mad Elks (WHN1). Investation (INV) ----------------- POL> Cox, Tap (Tomasz Piasta, code, 97), The Trader, Walt (Waldemar Piasta, code, 97). ENG> Dazl (ex Iris). GER> Alec Empire. ???> Berserker (gfx music, 03-08/93), CDX (music, 08/93), Dark Angel, Feniks, Jabo, Leviathan, Reset, Tees. The coder brothers Tap and Walt are the authors of the fabulous DIGI Booster tracker program. Some time back in time they both joined TRSI, but since the latest release of DIGI Booster claim they're both in INV, I'm just gonna have to thrust them :) Sodom left. Dan (03-04/93) joined Pic Saint Loup in late 93. He contributed tunes to several Inv productions, and even a tune for "Poison" (12/93) after he had left! Bob and Tritop joined Alchemy. QWERTY joined Mad Elks. Kuba, Shaggy the Grain, Zwiteq, Kane and Uruken were kicked. The Polish guys Norby (swap, ex Cola Sector), Tap, Walt and Dr.D (03-12/93) all joined TRSI (WHN1). See the history for further comment. Ray World (1994 or pre, AGA, 3 disks). · Ignis (1993, .03, ECS Intro). Code: Tap, Walt (additional), Gfx: Dr.D, Berserker, Music: "Intro2" by Berserker & Dan. Review: The intro quite simply does not work, so there's not exactly much to tell about it... · GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Crashes on both configurations. Hydra (1993, 04.04, ECS Disk). Code: Tap, Walt, Gfx: Dr.D, Berserker, Music: Dan, Berserker. Anam (1993, 07.08, ECS File). Code: Tap, Gfx: Berserker, Dr.D, Tap, Music: CDX. Released at Assembly 93. Poison (1993, 27.12, ECS 40k Intro). Code: Tap, Walt, Gfx: Dr. D, Music: Dan/Pic Saint Loup. 6th in The Party 93 40k intro competition. Inv (1996, 23.06, 64k Intro). 3rd in the Polish Summer Party 96 64k intro competition. Investigation ------------- Most members left for Surprise! Productions, but soon moved on (WHN1). Ipec Elite ---------- 1990 - Mr.Acid, Voyager and Hitman left the UK section late 90. Demo (1988, 03.10, ECS Demo). Released at the Double Density Crew, Level4, The Supervisors Copy Party. Iris (IRS, 1989-) ----------------- DEN> Bandy (gfx, 96-09/97), Bifrost (gfx, 12/94-09/97), Darkhawk (Christian Hviid, mainorg editor swap trade, ex D-29, new 01/94-00), Flower (music, 12/94- 09/97), Notman (music, 03/97), Ransom (code raytrace, new 09/97-11/00), Talpa (code, new 06/96-09/97). NOR> Junkhead (music, new 06/96-09/97), MJ (Helge Brede, editor trade, 09/97), Volcryn (Stian Sollie, swap pack, 09/97). POL> Bubba (org code swap, doublememb Clan, late96-09/97), Ced (gfx, 09/97), Digger (Tomsz Jankowski, swap, new 09/97), Gilo (music, 96-09/97), Spirol (code, 09/97). ???> Cupid (code, ex Darkage, new early00), Yon (gfx, new early00). The people below are no longer members, and the line was drawn from a memberlist published in Eurochart #31 [11/97]. DEN> Bird (Kaare Hansen, org music swap, ex Waldi/Oblivion, 94), Chivas (code), Daffy (swap), Eniac (raytrace music swap trade, ex Opaque, new 06/96), Illusion (ex Jewels), Sanctum (Tobias, later Depth, 02/94- 07/95). NOR> Bridgeclaw (Henning, gfx, later Gods, 12/93-04/94), Chauple (code, new 06/96), Coroner (music, 02/94), Dr.Deo (raytrace swap sysop, new early 94-02/94), Hiace (swap), Loop (swap, 02/94), Pix (gfx, later Subspace, 04/96), Radiance (music, new 06/96), Salat (Ken Arve Hole, gfx swap, new early94-02/94), Sidewinder (Petter, 02/94), Sir Wok (Marius Karlsen, gfx, late95), Spacehawk (swap pack 'A Pack of Fun', 02/94), Stressball (music, new 06/96), Zerox (Frode Hansen, swap pack 'Hit- Pack'). FRA> Ace (code music), Chris (swap, 02/94), D.Traumer (code), Goofy (gfx), Mandrake (code), Ulrick (code music). BAL> Ital (sysop, ex-music?, ex Saints, new 06/96). HOL> Lard (swap, old handle War, 02/94), SoNiK (swap trade). SWE> Atomic (gfx swap), Coz (swap). FAR> Gigabyte (Jon Johannesen, swap, 02/94). ENG> Micky (code), Trooper (trade). ???> Arrogance (gfx music, 02/94), DCG (sysop 'HIDDEN ISLAND'), Drac (music, 12/94), Eagle (music, 02/94), Kefner (den? code, 94), Mr.Vain (ex Willow), Quence (ex Impact), Sixpack (ex Tonic, later Gods), Zendar (Ricki, code, 02/94), Zytrox (code, later Gods, 02/94). Boards; BLACK PLANET. Iris was based in France (and later mostly in Denmark), and was born in 1989. They were also the arrangers of the danish Scene Meeting parties. They recruited the entire Danish division of D-29, which means at least Darkhawk, other names are uncertain. Mandrake is the coder of "Explora 3" (Infomedia) with music by Ulrick. 1992 - Digital Master left early 92. 1993 - News in Eurochart #22 [11/93] that Bridgeclaw left to join Shamrock were probably untrue. 1994 - The entire Danish division of D-29 joined Iris in january. This was at least Darkhawk, other names are uncertain. Dazl joined Investation early in the year. 1996 - Swappers Sir Maxin (Svein H. Orjansen, swap, late95) and Peace (ger, 95) were kicked due to the bad contact with the other members in june. Also in june, Radix was kicked because of inactivity and Speed left to be independent. 1997 - Baltic swapper Miko 63 (Michael Arvantis) was kicked because of a lack of contact. "World of Chips #4" [02/97], "World of Chips #5" [03/97], "Deep Bass Nine BBSTro" [03/97] was released. April saw the release of "Avatar #5" [04/97]. Danish sysop Azlan closed his board and left the scene. Adonis was kicked due to inactivity. Sticky joined with his board 'ORGANIZED CONFUSION', but was kicked again after a short while. Pudding was kicked due to inactivity. German musician Dascon regained scene inspiration, and after a short stay in Iris, he rejoined his old group Essence late in the year. "Delaytro" [10/97] was released to tell the world of the delay to their proposed party Scene Meeting 97, which is now to be held in february of 98. The intro also announced Ransom as a new member. 2000 - Early in the year Cupid (code) joined from Darkage, Yon (gfx) joined while danish coder Hastur (96-) decided to leave the scene. Ransom's debut demo as a coder (he joined as a raytracer) "Abecedarian" [11/00] was released at TRSAC 00.5, where it finished 2nd in the competition. Norwegian swapper mJ left to join Massive. German graphicians Gfx-Twins joined Platin. Norwegian musician P.O.W (07/95) was later in Sunshine Productions. Swedish Shock left to join Vision. English swapper Overdose joined Delicious. Jef and Yoga left to join Outlaws. Vigo and Ghost joined Agnostic Front. German Can (ex Motion) joined Sceptic. Norwegian swapper Cedric joined Flash Production. Zorro, Marco, Steel Hertz and Necrophagia got kicked. Contact Intro by Iris + Oblivion (1994, early, ECS Intro). Code: Kefner, Gfx: n/a, Music: Bird. Exposure (1996, autumn, Slideshow). Code: Hastur, Talpa, Gfx: Bandy, Bifrost, Music: Flower, Gilo. · Delaytro (1997, .10, AGA File). code: Hastur, Talpa, gfx: Bifrost, Ransom (objects), music: Flower. review: Bifrost's picture that opens this is mediocre, then we are shown a blue phong-shaded shape over a nicely animated menu, then a cube with the background texturemapped onto it...looks almost like its transparent. Over this some text then appears, explaining how the group was forced to move their party Scene Meeting from october 97 to february of 98. Pressing the lmb makes a caleidoscopic water ripple effect appears, only the pattern does not look a lit like water. Then the cube reappears, and also some more text overlaid onto it. Left mouse bitton, and we get an object with the words TAK INTENS! over an animated background, and then some more text...and it's over. The intro announces Ransom as a new member. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Miracle #2 (Chartmag). info: Their "Delaytro" explained how this would be released late 12/97 or early 02/98. · Scene Meeting 98 InvIntro 1.1 (1998, .01, AGA File). code: Talpa, gfx: Bandy, music: n/a. review: Oh boy, this isn't good. What Iris has done here is take an old intro (1996 - check the version string!) and revive it with some new (I presume!) graphics. Nothing is above average here, and thankfully this is not an important production for them. If it were, they would be left shameful. Improve Iris! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Abecedarian (2000, 04.11, Demo). code: Ransom, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. 2nd in the TRSAC 00.5 demo competition. Light (2001, 15.04, Demo). 13th in the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition. Isch Crew --------- HUN> Rapper (Krisztian Tanos, swap). Matrix and Energizer were kicked. Bart joined 23 Celsius Crew 12/92. Isvektor -------- Efkisvek (1994, 03.04, 40k Intro). 11th in The Gathering 94 40k intro competition. IT (1988-) ---------- NOR> Armalite, Burglar (Yngve Rosseland, swap, ex NLF [no entry], 89), Buzzaw, Cracky, Cript, Jabba (Esben Lund, code, late 89), Jilsoft (Jo Inge Lamo, swap), Jolic, Keyjay, Powerfly, Ypsilon. IT was formed in 1988 by ex-members of SCT (Gladiator, Keyjay and Buzzaw), Sprite and The Zapp. Their memberlist contains several later celebrities; people like Tec and Walkman made the Norwegian scene proud. 1990 - Around the middle of the year, three of the groups most important members left; Tec (code), Gladiator (music) and Walkman (music, ex Phalanx) all joined Cryptoburners. Molecules (1989, 14.10, ECS File). 4th in the Shape & TRC party demo competition. Vectorstuff (1989, 29.12, ECS Demo). Released at the X-Mas Party 1989. Italian Bad Boys (IBB) ---------------------- ITA> DHS (music, late91), Dr.G (Fabio Vitale, swap sysop 'THE HOUSE', early93), FGF (sysop 'PEACEFUL ZONE'), Il Dipo (code?, late91) CYP> Sper (spyrus Antoniou, swap, late90). FIN> Badcat (Tibi Luttwak, swap, 93). Boards; WARZONE (ita). IBB is, naturally, an Italian group who has since grown to include a few foreign sections too. Badcat is the only Finnish member of IBB. The game 'Dylan Dog: The Murderers' was made by IBB members! Italian Cracking Service (ICS) ------------------------------ ITA> Elvira, Kid Amiga (late90), Lady X (late90), Marco (gfx music, late90), Max (late90), MCS (late90), Mr.Fly (trade sysop 'FANTASY', late90-09/91), Raster Burner, Snoopy (late90), The Amiga Master (code, late90), The Rock, The Witch (late90), Wildcat (late90), Wiz (gfx, 90). FRA> Antix, Elric (crack, 09/91), Turbo. SWI> Arrafath, Cortex, Domino, Zayer. SWE> Mr.Terry. GER> Engineer (sysop 'GHOST'). ENG> Barbarian (sysop 'UNKNOWN PLEASURES'), Hybrid (sysop 'ULTIMATE DREAM'). Boards; TRASH CITY (usa, 09/91), MYSTERY TOUR (usa, 09/91). Melt Effect (1990, ECS Demo). Cooperation with Savage [details], because Wiz drew for it. Ivory ----- FRA> DGM (Rocha Daniel, gfx swap, ex Solaris), Falo (12/93), Gandbox (music, ex Solaris, 12/93), Harry (gfx, ex Solaris, 12/93), Locked (ex Solaris), Matrix (music, 12/93), Memorys (ex Solaris, 12/93), Slaine (gfx, 12/93), Ukko (gfx, 12/93), Worm (code, 12/93). Bro' joined Acme Projects mid 93. Religion 242 (ex Solaris) was kicked and is now independent (WHN1). · Bizing (1993, 28.12, AGA File). code: Worm, gfx: Ukko, music: Matrix. 14th in The Party 93 demo competition. Review: An average intro/demo from these French guys. There's not much to recommend it code-wise, really, since there's only two effects in the entire demo. They're used several times, but it's still only two effects! One is a zoom-rotator that's used for a mario-kart like road trip as well, and the other is a zoomrotating plasmazoom. Well, who ever said that demo effects were easy to describe :) We won't mention the music. Keep trying, though! My previous information says it requires this true? I don't think there's any 256 color stuff in the demo...? The executable file (unpacked) is 1.1mb, so it's gonna take a little memory, but... It loops back and starts over again at the end. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Music bugs a little. · Crackintro for Mystic (1994, .03, ECS Intro). code: Fruehauf, gfx: Header, music: "Synthetik" by Gandbox (4ch MOD formats). review: Design is a little childish in this intro, far from the best cracktro I've ever seen.